Do you want to learn how to throw playing cards? Alternatively, do you want know how to read playing cards? Before anything else, you must read this amazing fact about the best playing cards in the world.
So, you love playing the best playing cards in the world. However, have you ever wonder what’s the story behind these 52-cards in a deck? Playing cards do exist longer than you can imagine they could be. In addition, it has been the most favorite night game for a lot of people way back in history. Despite this, most people do not know that there are some amazing facts about it. Let us dive in and discover those little secrets of this piece of card at best online casino in Singapore.
Whether you’re a casual player or a master card player, your deck of cards is the most important piece of your trade. Moreover, you most probably know some of the interesting facts about it. Then, let’s take a closer look at them and learn some more about this article.
What is Playing Cards?
Playing cards are used for playing a variety of games of chance. It is a flat and rectangular piece of layered pasteboard that is often made of paper or plastic. Today, the best playing cards are produced by the modern printing process of photolithography.
The History of Playing Cards
Historians believe that playing cards are developed during the 12th century. And as a derivative of the chess game. But the exact origin of these cards is still in debate.
Other historians believe that it has been developed in India. While others say that is derived from fortune telling in Egypt. But the first-ever written record of using playing cards came from the Orient during the 12th century. And during the 13th century, it has been introduced in Europe. And there is evidence that the first arrival of playing cards in Italy quickly spread in the continent.
10 Most Amazing Facts About the Best Playing Cards
Did you know that the first deck of playing cards is invented in a surprising location?
In this article, we have mentioned the brief history of playing cards, right? And we say that it came from China. Well, this is true or at least that’s what our historians believe. The first-ever deck of playing cards originates in China during the 9th century. And, scholars believe that the first printed playing cards also originated in this country.
The first deck of playing cards is in the form of a 32-card domino deck And it is printed on paper, bone, and wood. Then, it is believed that these cards slowly spread across Persia, India, and Egypt before they spread in Europe. By then, the popularity of playing cards widely spread in the European continent. And this starts the development of different variations of card games.
The reason behind the 52 cards in a deck
Have you ever wonder why there are 52 pieces of playing cards in 1 deck? If we will go back in history, we will learn that playing cards have different variations. And this includes 24, 36, 40, 48 pieces in a deck. But the 52 pieces of a playing card are the most popular among them all.
And today, this is the standard size of deck used across the globe. There are ongoing theories the reason behind this 52 size. But they believe the colonialism of British and French plays a huge part in it. Historians believe that they spread the standard French deck size around the world.

While others say that the 52 pieces of playing cards represent the 52 weeks in a year. Also, the 4 suits signify the 4 seasons. Furthermore, the 13 cards in each suit correspond to the 13 weeks in each season. Some say that the 13 cards in each suit match the number of lunar cycles. Moreover, the 12 Royals (court cards) reflect the 12 months in a year.
On top of that, the 2 red and 2 black suits denote the 4 different solstices. But others say that the two-color reflects the day and the night. Along with it, the 4 suits represents the 4 natural elements, namely:
- Hearts = Water
- Clubs = Fire
- Diamonds = Earth
- Spades = Air
Over and above that, when you add up all the symbols in 52 cards in a deck, you will get a total of 365. Amazing, right?
The mathematical secrets of the best playing cards
How much do you love playing card games? How about math? If you love the first then you should love the latter, too. Did you know that there are mathematical secrets behind this deck of cards? Here are some of the amazing patterns that you will surely love when combining numbers.
In fact, the calendar connection is one of the mathematical properties of playing cards.
Did you know that there are many possible ways to can shuffle the best playing cards?
Well, the math behind this is very easy to learn.
The number of possible shuffles can be achieved with the 52 cards to 52 factorial.
If you will multiply their value, it will look like this: 52x51x50x49x48…x5x4x3x2x1. Afterward, you will end up with 80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000
To simply put, every time you pick up a shuffled deck you’re guaranteed that the exact order of the card is one. And that never exists before. Likewise, you can change the arrangement of the card every second. More so, it will take you a million years to achieve all the combinations.
Perfect shuffles of playing cards
The Faro Shuffles:
There are different ways you can shuffle the deck of cards. And Faro shuffles are a specialized type of shuffle.
Here, the cards are inter-weaved together at exactly one card at a time. And when you do 8 perfect faro-out shuffles, then the deck will return exactly at its original order.
Amazing, right?
The spelling test
Did you know that if you take a regular deck, you can spell the names of all the cards?
Yes, it is true. You can spell the names of all the cards from Ace to King. Just take a full deck of cards and start dealing with a letter for each card.
One, Two; Three. Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Queen, King, and Jack
Now count all the letters and you will exactly get a total of 52.
Fantastic, right?
Did you know that the face cards are later associated with prominent figures?
Yes, it true. The literary and historical figures are associated with the face cards. The French card deck modeled the court cards after the famous figures from history as:

- Julius Caesar – King of Diamonds
- Charlemagne – King of Hearts
- King David from the Holy Bible – King of Spades
- Alexander the Great – King of Clubs
- Pallas Athena, the Greek goddess – Queen of Spades
- Argine – Queen of Clubs
- Judith from the Holy Bible – Queen of Hearts
- Rachel, the wife of the Biblical Jacob – Queen of Diamonds
- Ogier the Dane, legendary knight of Charlemagne – Jack of Spades
- Lancelot, legendary knight of King Arthur – Jack of Clubs
- La Hire, French military commander Étienne de Vignolles – Jack of Hearts
- Hector, the mythological hero of Troy – Jack of Diamonds
How many face cards are there in a deck of cards of 52?
Earlier, we have mentioned the face cards and the historical figures associated with them. So, you have now an idea how many face cards are they. In 52 cards in a deck, we have 12 face cards.
Did you know that there are different types of playing cards?
Standard decks – has clear and recognizable indices and suits. And you can usually see them in a normal Bicycle style deck.
Novelty decks – this type is of the deck is heavily “customized” with original or unusual elements.
Game decks – use in playing popular card games.
Gaffed decks (Deck of magicians) – like a modern deck of playing cards that comes with a double backer or blank card.
Marked decks – also used by magicians. These are playing cards that have secret marks on the back of each card. And it enables the magicians to identify the value and suit of the card in question.
Vintage decks – an old deck of playing cards used from a previous era.
Reproduction decks – is a reproduction of card that is historically significant or rare decks from the past.
Faro decks – particular kind of Vintage deck with no indices. Used in Faro shuffling
Transformation decks – the pips are designs in artistic way with larger images.
Regional decks – closely linked to certain cultural heritage. This deck consists of a smaller number of cards in a deck.
Did you know that playing cards in casinos are 100% plastic?
Most live and online casino Singapore usually use plastic playing cards than paper. Simply because plastic cards are better for frequent handling. Not to mention that it last much longer than its counterpart. And not only that, plastic cards are difficult to write on or marked on. So, it will be hard for players to cheat.
Did you know that the best playing cards are used in unusual ways?
Before, playing cards are useful invitations, love letters, and coupons. Prisoners also use it to escape during World War II.
Have you ever closely looked at the eight diamonds?
If not, grab for the favorite deck of cards and closely look at 8 of the diamonds. Have you noticed that there’s also one formed by the pits?
Have you seen it? Look closer again. Yes, it is located in the negative space.
Playing Cards FAQs
What is a playing cards?
Playing cards are used for playing a variety of games of chance. It is a flat and rectangular pieces of layered pasteboard that are often made of paper or plastic. Today, the best playing cards are produced by modern printing process of photolithography.
Where the first deck of cards does came from?
The first-ever deck of cards originates in China during the 9th century. And, scholars belief that the first printed playing cards also originated in this country, too.
Is it true that the face cards are later associated with prominent figures?
Yes, it is. The literary and historical figures are associated with the face cards. The French card deck modeled the court cards after the famous figures from the history.
How many face cards are in a deck of cards?
Earlier, we have mentioned the face cards and the historical figures associated to them. So, you have now an idea how many face cards are they. In a 52 cards in a deck, we have 12 face cards.